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Prayer Requests​

Current Prayer Requests

Pieter de Villiers July 2015

Please pray with us for the Opuwo Town Council to speedily approve our application to buy the piece of land bordering our current plot to the south. We need to urgently start building extra learning centers which must be ready to be used in January 2016.

We trust the Lord will provide all the funds needed - we already have enough to buy the plot and start building but need more to finish the complete building program (4 learning centers, library, science lab, toilets, preschool areas, etc), 

School Registration

Pieter de Villiers April 2015

OCS registered as private school with the Namibian Ministry of Education two years ago already - some prayer needed though as the ministry staff in Windhoek "misplaced" our application forms after issuing us with a registration number. We re-filled the forms and now wait for the Registration Certificate.



New Learning Centers

Pieter de Villiers April 2013

We now have 110 students which we accommodate in 4 learning centers. Before the end of 2013 we have to construct another learning center as we plan to add gr 4 in 2014. Our plot is kind of full and we need to buy one of the neighboring plots and construct a few new learning centers.

We have two or three options but they all need lots of prayer, favour and finances. Please pray with us for wisdom and that God will provide the necessary funds. If all goes well we want to get a big enough plot to build enough learning centers to be able to expand the school to grade 7.

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