Recent news
OCS second in Kunene
Pieter de Villiers June 2016
Our grade 5 students took part in the National Standardized Achievement Tests (SAT) for the first time and we did very well - only one school in Kunene beat us (Otjikondo private school). Click on the graph for more details.
Photos and Stories on Facebook
Pieter de Villiers April 2015
OCS regularly puts Photos and Stories on Facebook - visit our Facebook page to see our students and staff members doing arts, sports, play, pray, going on field trips, etc, etc.

April 2015 Newsletter
Pieter de Villiers April 2015
Click on the link below to read about: Dates and Times - holidays, Entrepreneurship Days, Holiday Classes, End of 1st quarter reports, etc.....

June Newsletter
Pieter de Villiers June 2013
Click on the link below to read about: Christian Educators Convention and 3 days holiday for students, Extra-mural activities, End of 2nd quarter reports, Numberwise software, etc.....

Entrepreneur Days
Pieter de Villiers April 2013
Each grade gets a day when they bring food items they made/bought to school to sell. The money will be used to buy things to decorate their learning center and for the students to go on a short excursion.
Click on Photos below to see more about how the grade 2 and grade 3 students did.

1st Term 2013 Reports
Pieter de Villiers April 2013
On Thursday 28 March the 110 students of OCS all got reports - we want to let their parents know what they've been doing during the first 3 months of the year.
The grade 1 students are now busy with the PACE nr 10 in their ABC with ACE learning-to-read program. In about 4 weeks they will finish this program and then start with all their other subjects!!
The best gr 2 student for the first term is Etuhole Mwaamenange and the best gr 3 student is Uaserondaja.
Click to see photos of all the classes.

New Learning Center
Pieter de Villiers March 2013
During November and December we quickly constructed a new learning center for our grade 2 and 3 students..
The new center has 45 student offices, 4 scoring stations and a corner for reading and playing board games. The floor is tiled and it also has 10 large windows, 5 wall fans and 12 large double-tube lights. We THANK the LORD for all the donations and help we received to make this dream come true.
Pieter's father made all the new student offices while visiting us on "holiday" during Dec/Jan.